An Example Scene

Our App requires a Scene to properly function. There is nothing special about this initial Scene but you could use it to load resources and initialise objects for use in later scenes. We'll look at what a Scene is and how to use them in more detail later.

import APP, {eng, GLStates, GL} from './init.js';

// our scene inherits from the base scene class
class InitialScene extends eng.Scene {
  // our constructor takes a name (string)...
	constructor(name) {
    // ...and forwards it to the base class constructor

  delete() {

  render(pass) {
    // ensure the viewport matches the canvas size
    GL.viewport(0, 0, APP.canvas.width, APP.canvas.height);
    if (pass == 0) { // for the first pass only...
      // clear the context to black
      GL.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);


      // set the porjection matrix to an orthographic projection
      GLStates.projectionMatrix.ortho(0.0, GL.canvas.clientWidth,
          GL.canvas.clientHeight, 0.0, 0.1, 1000.0);

      // reset the model and view matrix to identity matrices
	input() {

	process(dt) {

	postProcess(dt, count) {

  handleEventQueue(e) {

  onEnter(loaded) {


  onLeave(saved) {


export default InitialScene;

We import the engine files and our APP instance from our initialisation file, and then create our InitialScene class which inherits from the base Scene class (eng.Scene). This allows our Scene to work with the SceneManager which handles loading, saving and switching of Scenes as well as allowing them to interact with each other.

Most of the class is empty with two exceptions: our constructor calls the parent class' constructor, passing in the name string. We've also defined a basic render function that merely clears the context every frame and sets it up to be rendered to later.