Stack Manipulation

Whilst it is never necessary to interact with the stack directly there exists a number of functions to make it easier to both inspect and modify the contents of the stack.

Multiple parameters and return values
try {
  // stack size should be 0 initially
  std::cout << "Stack: " << luaAPI.GetStackSize() << std::endl;
  // add various values to the stack
  luaAPI.PushStack(2, "World", 3, 5.5f);

  // stack size should now be 6
  std::cout << "Stack: " << luaAPI.GetStackSize() << std::endl;

  // return the value on top of the stack (doesn't remove it)
  float f = luaAPI.ReadStack<float>(luaAPI.GetStackSize());
  std::cout << f << std::endl;

  // stack size is still 6
  std::cout << "Stack: " << luaAPI.GetStackSize() << std::endl;

  // remove values from the stack
  luaAPI.RemoveStack(luaAPI.GetStackSize() - 1);

  // stack size is now 3
  std::cout << "Stack: " << luaAPI.GetStackSize() << std::endl;
  // read the top 2 values off the stack
  auto values = luaAPI.ReadStack<std::string,
      std::string>(luaAPI.GetStackSize() - 1);
  std::cout << std::get<0>(values) << " " <<
      std::get<1>(values) << std::endl;

  // set the size of the stack to 0 essentially clearing it
  std::cout << "Stack: " << luaAPI.GetStackSize() << std::endl;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;